Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The most interesting thing I learned over the 2 days of HBL

The most interesting thing I learned over the HBL, should be the use of geometry software to draw drawings during Math lesson. It was quite interesting playing around with the software's different tools, in 1 whole hour. Attempting to draw different kinds of structures and shapes, at my own pace. This is something that we never get to do in normal school hours, which is actually why HBL is quite a different experience for us, letting us do things at our own pace.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Diary of a civilian in war

We counted the days, 1, 20, 50, 100, a year. And counting. Till we lost count. War was horrible. Some things were out of our imagination. No one could imagine what had happened to our pleasant little town. We initially woke up everyday, thinking and hoping, that the world be over. But it never came through. Never, ever. The truth about war, is that it is horrifying. We lived in fear, the fear of leaving home and never coming back, the fear that we would lose ourselves and the people around us. The fear of, everything and anything.

There was this one day, when planes flew over the town. Dropping bombs right onto our land. We tried to run, we attempted to avoid. But the unfortunate still occurred. I lost my brother. It was the worst feeling anyone could face. After which, when the opposing soldiers entered the town. The rest of us, we had to lie dead on the ground. Just a pretended action. The went around stabbing bodies with their bayonet. It was just a blessing then we did not get hurt. After a long time, we don't know how long, probably 10 hours? Then we did dare to start moving. My sister was suffering from cramps, we were all cold and hungry. But. What could we do. Bodies were lying all over the floor. Motionless, emotionless. The scene could never be erased from my mind. I could no longer recognize and find my brother anywhere. There were limbs and body parts all over the place. The scene, was pure disgusting.

Writing this entry, there is nothing to guarantee my life. A soldier can just come up right behind me and shoot me in the head. Yes. It's a living hell. No one know what will  happen next. I'm worried. Worried for us. Whether we could live to see the daylight every time we sleep. Or we could live the see the nightfall, every time we were awake. Things, are worse then you think.

And the worst part of war, is knowing that you will die. There was this once, a public execution. The scence was just emotionally disturbing. How the hell could someone, accept the fact that they will be shot in the head, in the next minute, the next 30 seconds, or just. Right now...

War. Something you wouldn't want to live in. Living hell.

Was the decision to assassinate bin Laden rather than brining him to trial a justified one?

Yes. I find that it is perfectly okay for Osama bin Laden, the world's greatest terrorist to be assassinated, rather then brought the a trial. Osama bin Laden had not respected the people, he scarified thousands and thousands of lives, just to make sure that he transmit his message of fear, and being an extremist of the Muslim religion. Yes, all he wanted was to be loyal and faithful to his on religion, but what he was carrying out, was to extreme lengths. Being as the head of operations of the September 11 attacks, he has killed thousands. So, if he doesn't respect others, does not respect their rights to live on in this world, does not respect their rights to be an Average Joe. It is totally justified to assassinate him, then to bring him to trial. Which at the end of the day, would be a death sentence. What he has done, was to trigger terrorism all around the world. If he were to be caught and sent to jail, there would be a very high chance, that all his 'followers' would attempt to rescue him. Maybe by threats of bombing crowded places, and endangering more lives.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The drive to explore space and our solar system is still an important human endeavor

Yes, I do agree. Exploring space and the solar system, is probably the only way to find another planet, to replace the Earth, when we run out of resources. With the earth 'falling ill' now, and with people not conserving the earth's natural resources, we would need another Earth to help us pass the next few million years. This is only possible, by exploring space, and the solar system, hoping that we would luckily dawn upon such a planet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Making NS mandatory develops Singaporen boys into men

I agree with this statement. I find that boys before going through NS may be physically manly or strong. They may have reached a certain extend of maturity. But through the hardship experienced in NS, it would make them more mature. For example, in NS, these man learn how to listen to orders, no matter if they are right or wrong. This would actually make them more discipline, and not be spoilt, only thinking about their own comfortability. Another example, would be going through different military exercises, where they would be tested to their physical limits, and at the same time, their physiological  limits.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Social Media has made us less social. Do you agree?

I disagree with the statement, that social media has made us less social. I myself use social media, like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. I do't find that I have been anyway less sociable. Instead, I find that I have became more social able. Social media doesn't really affect one's personality, much less making him/her less social. I find that interaction on social media, although it's just typing and clicking, it makes one more "open". And when it comes to real life, there would be a change in personality, making one more "open" and socialable.