Saturday, January 22, 2011

Have you ever been part of a group of people who were unkind to one or some individuals? What was the circumstance? How did you act? What did you feel?

Yes. I have been part of a group who were unkind to someone. Back then in Primary school, I had a classmate that always played pranks, like hiding their pencil cases and homeworks in secluded spots. I, of course, have been a victim of him as well. However, when we do such things to him, he would just report it to the teacher. This angered the class much. 

As such, we resorted to mean tactics like name-calling and insulting him with really mean words. It all started off when 1 of my friends couldn't stand him anymore, and tried the form a "Anti - XX Club" (xx is the name of the person). My classmates and I joined the "club" as we were really pissed off with him. We got ourselves a notebook and started to jot down unpleasant things about him. We also wrote down our "experiences" about him.

At the start of everything, I thought that this was just and eye for an eye, tit for tat. What he did to us, was just what we were doing to him. But gradually, I became to feel guilty. I saw him getting upset. He stopped doing what he did to us last time. Although he still irritates people once in a while, but he was much better then last time. The major change in him was that he started to become quieter. During recess, I see him walking to the canteen quietly and not his usual practice of racing people of "greater body mass" to the canteen and laughing at them when he "won". 

Seeing that these had happened. I decided that I should take the initiative to close down the group. I knew it was damaging to him mentally with the high-profile things we did to him.  My group of course had listened to my advice as well. But we were still reluctant to apologize to him. "Why should we do so if he doesn't?" was clearly our mentality.

But as time goes by, a month later, with him stop irritating ANYONE in the class, we began to put down our hatred towards him. I found him a "poor thing". He had no friends because of his past history, thus, I tried to make friends with him. I found him quite a nice guy, he helped me with my homework when I needed it, he helped me buy my food when I had to do other stuff like meet teachers. 

Till now, after 2 years, my some of my classmates still have a prejudice against him, but some of us are friends with him. I still text him and talk about secondary school life. Was the change because of the "Anti-XX Club", I don't know, and I don't want to know...

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