Monday, June 27, 2011

If same-sex marriage will ever become legal in Singapore

No. I do not find that same-sex marriage would ever become legal in Singapore.

Singapore has been affected by the rich traditions of different races and religions. Unlike the views of the people in the other part of the globe, it is still a hard thing to be accepted by the older generations with their traditional views. Even nowadays in Singapore, what the younger generation defines as 'acceptable', a relationship that involves a older female and a younger male, is still unacceptable by the older generations. In fact, the idea of same-sex marriage may not even be accepted by the younger generation. Me myself, do not agree with such a concept. And it's probably because of the environment that I grew up in.

Singapore is largely different from other countries. Countries like Australia and America may be accept such actions, as to them, human have their own rights to choose what they want to do. It's just like a case example of how casual sex is actually common in other countries, but not in Singapore. It's because of the difference of views and concepts towards such actions.

Furthermore, Singaporeans are actually not supposed to be exposed to the culture of same-sex relationships. Singapore's censorship is sensitive to such a topic in many ways. Television programs were not allowed to show anything with such related contents. Laws were also passed for same-sex(or more commonly known as 'gays') to be labelled as criminals and gay sex is actually illegal in Singapore, or at least, as long as it is not behind close doors. Censorship in Singapore, also includes the content of speech from a individual, or the press. Compared to other countries, what is considered 'ok' to be said and what is considered 'alright' over here is different. And as such, the environment one in Singapore grows up in is much more different compared to an individual that grew up in another country.

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