Friday, August 19, 2011

Online Lesson 11

Good afternoon Mr Lundberg and listeners. The theme of my speech today is prejudice against foreign labour workers in Singapore. They help us with the labor work, of which many singaporeans are unwilling to do. However, is it really fair treatment for these workers by the locals? Just a few years back when the government had launched plans of building a dormitory in the neighbourhood estate of Serangoon, objections were raised immediately. Reasons such as these workers would loiter around at night, littering and making unnecessary loud noises were given. It was even mentioned in a dialogue talk that the residents feared a increasing crime rate in the estate, and that their maids would hook up with these workers. 4000 residents that were livin in the immediate vicinity of the selected area immediately signed a petition to oppose this idea as well. These claims made by the residents may have been seen as mere assumptions, but it has been observed that in Jalan Kayu, a residential area of these workers of which there are 2 dorms housing around 6000 foreign workers, that these workers loiter around late at night, litter, and behave rowdily as well. In another context, foreign workers may be referred to foreign talents, who are employed to work in the knowledge-based industry of Singapore. This would include teachers, company advisors and etc. A common Mistaken view point is that these people snatch jobs from the locals, which sounds extremely nasty... But is this the actual case? NO!! instead, they contribute to the various trades. Teachers would mould out better students with their expertise in the different subjects, and talents who work in private sectors of companies would help the country's economy to blossom. So, is the prejudice against these foreigners really so justifiable? Not at all. One can't expect that were practiced for a lifetime to be changed over time. It's the same theory that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. So we gotta learn to accept the habits of the foreign workers. Furthermore, these workers have no entertainment in their domitories. Thus, loitering around is the only kind of leisure to them. At the same time, people should not view foreign talents as competition, but as encouragements for them to upgrade themselves, in order to strive for a better job. Thus i conclude that prejudice against foreign workers are not justifiable and shouldnt exist.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Darryl when it comes to us having too much assumptions of what exactly are the foreign labourers like. We indeed have no right to blame them for increasing crime rates etc. Infact, when we browse through the papers for news, what we often see is not foreign labourers committing crimes, but rather foreign labourers getting hurt by irresponsible Singaporeans. However, it is true that some of them have old habits that can not change that quickly over time. But afterall they are contributing to Singapore's development, so its all about give and take, and prejudice against foreign workers should not exist.
