Friday, January 14, 2011

Big Fish

Big Fish

1.What does the phrase "a big fish in a small pond" mean to you?

 It means that a talented person, which refers to the quote "a big fish" is restricted and could not make use of his talent properly. 

2. What is the purpose of Edward Bloom's tall tale about the big fish and the wedding ring?

The purpose of Edward Bloom about the big fish and the wedding ring is to let his son think that if he did not want to attempt to have a go at the Big Fish, he would at the very least of motivation, which is to get back his parents' wedding ring.

3.How does William Bloom as a boy feel about his father's telling of the tale? How does this feeling change as he gets older? 

As a boy, William Bloom finds that his father's telling of the tall tale is something that potrays his father as a hero, someone heroic. However, when he grows up, he finds out that what his father has been talking about are pure nonsense and finds his father's tale boring and no longer finds his father as a hero.

4. Why does Edward Bloom feel the need to keep repeating then tale throughout his life?

He feels the need of repeat the tale as he feels proud of it. He finds that it brings "face" to both his son and him. 

5. What does the tale reveal about the relationship between Edward and William Bloom?

Edward Bloom loves his son very much. He wants to use this story to let people look up to his son. 

6. Consider the following quote: "In telling the story of my father's life, it's impossible to separate fact from fiction, the man from the myth. The best I can do is tell it the way he told me. It doesn't always makes sense, and most of it didn't happened, but that's what kind of story this is." What stories have you been told that match this description? What is the effect of telling a story in this way?

Fairy tales that have been told to me match this description. My parents had told me mythical stories that I actually believed. But as I grow up, it did not make sense anymore. However, the best way I could tell others the story, is the way my parents had told me about it.

7. Does bending or exaggerating the truth for the purpose of conveying an entertainment story undercut the believability of such a story? Is a tall tale less valid than a straight reportage of the facts? Why or why not?

Both bending and exggerating the truth for the purpose of conveying an entertaining story may or may not undercut the believability of such a story depending on the amount of truth bended. A tall tale may be less valid than a straight reportage as the facts in a tall tale may be too exaggerated.  

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