Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Racism in Singapore

I find that dealing with racism, it is impossible to do enough. Racism, in my opinion, is about the mentality one has towards a certain race. If the wrong thinking could not be dealt with, the problem would still be there, and remain unsolved.

I find that in Singapore, much has been done to combat racism. We have racial harmony day, and the ISA (internal security act) to maintain peace and order within the country, and within the citizens of different race and religions. Our national pledge also emphasize "regardless race, language, or religon". This shows that the government takes serious view about such a topic, racism. The Singapore society also treats each and every race equally. There are no such things whereby any race gets more privileges then the others, like getting better education, jobs or living conditions. We are all treated equally. Racial Harmony on 21 July every year celebrates the peace shared between the different races in Singapore. The ISA, also has laws whereby RACISM IS NOT ALLOWED in Singapore in any form. People can be jailed for being racists, and this shows how serious this matter can be.

However, I find that all the things done may be enough, but the final key still lies within the mind and psychology of the each and everyone, on how they treat the different races.

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