Friday, April 22, 2011

Do we still need heroes. Expository Essay

Yes, we do need heroes. Heroes can help in different ways, like giving the society a sense of security, telling the people that they are not alone, and that there would be people that are there for them. Heroes can inspire the people, to help others. Heroes are also needed, as in this realistic society, no one is infallible, so support from one another is needed.

Heroes give the society a sense of security, by showing concern when people need them. For example, taking the example of Tom Robinson's case. Atticus shows concern to Tom Robinson by standing up for him and representing him in the case, despite people labeling Atticus as a 'nigger-lover". Atticus is thus shown as a hero, with a strong sense of justice in the book. This can be linked back to the thesis that heroes are needed.

Heroes also inspire the people to help others that are in need. For example, in the recent Japan Tsunami, there are shops that give and provide free food and daily necessities to help the victims. With one shop spearheading the mission to help others, others would naturally follow the trend and help out. This would continue to be a chain effect, and everyone would start to help one another. Once again, linking back to the thesis, heroes are needed.

Heroes are needed to help the individuals in this realistic society. In the current times, individuals are not infallible, and people tend to rise and fall. Giving an example, when that suffers from an car accident may be severely injured, causing the victim to be paralyzed. The victim may not be able to face reality. Heroes are there for them, to encourage the victims, and show love and concern. Showing them that life is to be lived to it's fullest. Thus, heroes are needed.

In conclusion, heroes are needed as they bring hope to the society, and inspire the people.

1 comment:

  1. Your three topics sentences are rather strong and logical and no point denying that. However, you should keep an eye on your tenses. The biggest flaw in the essay was the conclusion. I think it was really weak and actually left a horrible impression on your readers. You shouldnt just repeat your points but actaully giving more insight on the topic itself. Afterall, the introduction and conclusion are all very important. Other than these two problems, I think the rest is still alright.
