Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Picture Description

Wisdom can be seen through the wrinkles all over his face. Each line representing the wisdom and life experiences in him. But the wisdom is accompanied by the tiredness of him. Tired of the war he was. The mild frown that appears on him, showing how weary he is of the war. Looking in his eyes, a reflection of his fatigued body can be seen. People say that the eyes are the windows of a spirit, showing the inner part of one. This pair shows how sad and weary he is of the war. He is sad as well. Upset about the war, look at those teary eyes, sadness fill them. Those eye bags, telling the ones that look into him, "I need rest!" His tired body is about to collapse, like a block of tower without any support, collapsing any moment. His skinny face, showing his cheek bone so obviously, malnutrition in war is the root of this problem. Thick beard remains on his face, showing how he is busy, thinking and worrying of the war, how it would cause harm to him. “What would happen to my family, to me?” Once again, these depressing thoughts bring him down into a state of sadness. Once again…  The mouth if his, totally straight like a line, no emotions other than sadness run through him, he does not even bother to look good in this photograph, and smile to the camera. Some things must be bothering him. Quite a lot. Indeed. When looked as a overall, the old man’s face represent the war’s impact on a normal citizen, that did nothing to get himself involved in the war, but just to be part of a country, showing how innocent people get dragged into wars. Showing the impact did to these innocent people. His face, a plead to tell people to stop war. Indeed, a hero, if himself.

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