Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vivid childhood memory of an event to influence the person I am today.

I remember that when I was still young, I lived with my grandparents. There was once when my Uncle's family came and me and my cousins started playing with Legos. As we were of the same age, we both had childish thinkings. It was all well at the start and we were building different kinds of things like animals, houses and other random stuff. However, we started to disagree on what to continue building soon after some time. We started throwing Lego bricks at each other and the loud crying attracted the attention of the adults. We were both reprimanded by my Uncle and grandparents for our childish behavior. They warned us about the hazard that was present in doing such childish things. We were than punished by standing by the wall and pulling our ears. 

After what had happened then, everytime my cousins come over to my place or my grandparents' place. I would automatically let them have their way as they were the younger then me by a few months and I should be the one giving in to them.  

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