Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A letter to The Straits Time

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I'm writing to comment on what Singaporeans can learn from the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and whether we as a nation possess what it takes to handle a similiar situation.

I find that the people in Japan, have a kind of etiquette that could not be found in Singaporeans. I have been reading up on the internet, and found out that the Japanese,  despite of the needs like food, water, shelter, could wait patiently in an orderly manner. One article I saw was that the Japanese, could line up properly in line, waiting for their turn to make phone calls to their family members. They themselves set an unwritten law that each person can only use the public phoneline for 10min. This, should be the spirit that Singaporeans should possess.

Look at our own country, we have people snatching for goods that are cheap. People complain when they are waiting, they cut queues, they can't stand waiting. This is the difference. The size of Japan is far bigger than Singapore, but look at what they can do, and what we are supposed to be able to accomplish, and are not even half-way there. And if Singaporeans get so fussed up for queuing and waiting for their turn to be served, what if it comes to a life-risking scenario? The situation would be chaotic.

Yours Sincerely,
Darryl Hwang

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